Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Wednesday and Sabrina....

This is Wednesday and Sabrina. I am cat sitting this week and have already found out that they love love love their Turkey flavored treats. They eat almost all that I give them before I can give them their wet/dry food, fresh water and do litter box duty.
I don't know which one is which.....sorry Cari, but the smallest one follows me everywhere I go. It also tried to go out of the door with me this afternoon:) Don't you just love how they have "posed" for their pic. I knew I wanted to take a pic of them but thought this was priceless when I turned around and saw them just waiting for me to get my camera out:)

Other than that I've been getting things ready for school. I had to have a physical last week and came out looking like a pin cushion with 3 band aids. They had to draw blood and my veins are not very cooperative. They usually have to go for the top of the hand.

I'm enjoying my last few days of freedom. I'm excited because the fall is just around the corner. The UVA Football season tickets came today!!!!Oh and tomorrow is Pittsburgh's first preseason game. It's funny, they have a super bowl match up again. I'll be in front of the t.v. rooting on my boys.

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