Monday, May 18, 2009

It's That Time of Year...

Who did Mike choose to be his Bride?????
Did anyone watch the season finale of Desperate Housewives last night??? I always say I'm not going to watch the show anymore because of all the cliff hangers but I just can't give it up. I'm thinking Mike chose Susan. Especially since he kissed her after his accident and I think that made him realize how much he still loves her. I'm just mad that I have to wait until September to find out who he married. I have to give it to the writers,producers,etc because they keep us wondering and coming back for more. Oh and what a brilliant idea for Lynette to be pregnant. Mom called it right. Dad and I thought her cancer had come back, but Mom said she's gonna be pregnant. I'm glad Dave is finally where he needs to be!!
So yes it's that time of year where all of the shows are going on summer break. Tonight starts the 2 night Dancing With The Stars finale. I think it's going to come down to Melissa/Tony or Cheryl/Gilles. Cheryl is a great dancer. I was thinking last week that they should do a "Best of Dancing With the Stars" for next season. They should bring all of the past winners back and let them compete to see who is the "Ultimate Dancer". The only problem would be Cheryl was partners with a few of the past winners. Tomorrow night is the American Idol finale. It's actually 2 nights also. I'm pretty sure Adam is going to win, but you never know what's going to happen after the shocker last week. I wonder what songs they will sing tomorrow.
I pretty much finished my spare room this weekend. I have 3 bags of stuff to take to Goodwill. It was stuff I just don't have a use for anymore. I put all of my decorative accents in one place. I also put all of my candles in the linen closet in the downstairs bathroom. That bathroom rarely gets used so they will be okay.

I've a few things on tap for this week and hopefully something will pan out. I'll let you know more when I find out something:) Today is a pretty day. It's breezy but the sun is still bright. I'm still struggling to bring my pansies back to life. They are just a little droopy, so I sat them in the sun and that usually does the trick. I've been very good about watering them everyday!!

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